Our Guest Roy Fields

Sid Roth
3 min readJul 15, 2022

RYAN: Okay, but my mind’s still going one hundred miles an hour.

ROY: Well, the first thing,

RYAN: We’re going to get there?

ROY: The first thing you’ve got to do is close the door.

RYAN: Okay, the door’s closed. Go sit down on your bed, sit down on the floor or whatever you have in the place you’re at and just sit down. The way you clear your mind and your heart is you just take a deep breath. Just [exhales]. Okay. Sid Roth.

RYAN: Alright, I feel better already [laughs].

ROY: Of course you do. You know what? I’m going to tell you something. The way we breathe is wrong.

RYAN: What does that mean?

ROY: Okay, you said your mind’s going and everything?

RYAN: Yeah.

ROY: The way you breathe is wrong. The way you’re breathing is like twelve to fourteen breathes in a minute. Sometimes it’s more than that. You should really be breathing six times a minute; your heart slows down and everything. So that’s a practical relax and chill. Sid Roth.

RYAN: Sounds like getting at a place of peace. That’s what it sounds like.

ROY: Yeah, meditate on the things that are pure, noble, true and praiseworthy.

RYAN: Right.

ROY: That’s what Paul said. So this is what we’re doing. So this is Biblical. This is not some trance yoga, whatever thing.

RYAN: No, of course not. No, it’s all through the Word of God.

ROY: That’s right. And so you’re clearing your mind, you’re clearing your heart and you’re stopping your breathing from what your whole day just went through,

RYAN: I like that.

ROY: and you just chill. As I say in my culture, shut it down, man.

RYAN: Okay [laughs]. Alright.

ROY: Turn the phone off. No computer on.

RYAN: Okay, I’ve shut it down. There’s no phone; there’s no computer. I’m by myself.

ROY: Hey kids and wife, I love you, but I’m going to be in here for at least an hour.

RYAN: Yeah okay.

ROY: Now you’re in there, the door’s shut, no music.

RYAN: I take a deep breath.

ROY: Take a deep breath.

RYAN: What’s next?

ROY: Relax and then you just open your heart. You say, “How do I open my heart? Well, this is not something that I’m and doctor that can tell you.

RYAN: Right.

ROY: The best way that I can describe to you to open your heart is to stop thinking about yourself.

RYAN: Okay, okay.

ROY: Stop.

RYAN: Get the focus off yourself. I love it.

ROY: Think about Him. Think about what He did for you. Think about all that He has done already. Think about the bad places that you came through and think about how you came out into the good places.

RYAN: I’m going to start doing that and you keep on teaching me, teach the audience at home, and whatever you say, I’m going to start doing.

ROY: Absolutely. So now, you’ve cleared your heart, you’ve cleared your mind. And I know some Christians that are watching this are going, “Is this really how God?” Yeah, this is how it works.

RYAN: It’s practical.

ROY: It’s absolutely practical. It’s so simple that it’s difficult. Clear your heart, clear your mind, clear your soul, and you focus on God. And you just begin to, from your heart, you just pray and you say, Father, I love You so much.

RYAN: Lord, thank You for Your love.

ROY: I worship You today.



Sid Roth

In 1977 Sid started a ministry called “Messianic Vision” and a nationally syndicated radio broadcast by the same name.