Our Guest Laura Harris Smith

Sid Roth
3 min readMay 26, 2022

LAURA: I’m impressed with gentleness and kindness. Who’s kind anymore? You know, I mean, I’m impressed with love and peace and patience in a person. So, it’s both of those things working together that have helped me overcome so much. I don’t think that you can divorce those you know, one from another.

KAREN: That’s true.

LAURA: Well, we do all the time, but I don’t think it has the same outcome, nor will your life stay on track unless you’re able to walk in both of those. Sid Roth.

KAREN: That’s exactly right because, you know, when the Holy Spirit’s in operation in your life, the Bible says that He sends us the Holy Spirit as a comforter. And so, you know, we tell people all the time that you know, you don’t need the Holy Spirit necessarily to get to heaven, you need It to get to, to get through your day at work. You need It to get through your day at school. Because the Holy Spirit is what God uses to empower us to live out a Godly life, empowers us to walk away from the sin, to walk away from the different things in our life. Well, I’m just so excited because like you had mentioned before, you know, that you were on TV, you’re an author, but you’re also a mother. You’re a wife. You have six children. And so I just want to share a little bit, when we come back, about some of the things in your life that you have going on. But stayed tuned with us because when we get back with Something More, we’re going to find out a little bit about the direction God took Laura into getting her into TV and media.

KAREN: So, welcome back to Something More, and I’m here with Laura Harris Smith and sharing a little bit about her journey and what God has done in her life. But what I find so amazing is that you are a mom, you are an author, you’re a TV personality, but there’s an interesting story about some of the direction that God took you in getting you to that point.

LAURA: [laughs]

KAREN: And I love it because I think every part of journey leads us somewhere with God and that nothing happens by chance, nothing happens by accident, Sid Roth.

LAURA: Oh no.

KAREN: That God has a plan and sometimes we don’t know the direction He’s taking us, but when a door opens we need to step through it because we never know where that door is going to lead us. So, share a little bit because I found out that you were a host on the Home Shopping Network.

LAURA: [laughs]

KAREN: And that just amazed me. For one, I love to shop and for another, I just think it’s so interesting because that is part of your journey. So share a little bit about that with us.

LAURA: Well, first of all, I always say to people, I’m the person who sold you things in the middle of the night you didn’t need. I’m so sorry.

KAREN: [laughs]

LAURA: I hope all of that worked out. We had great products. No, my story’s interesting because I am a total creative. I’m very administrative, but I’m a totally creative and I was born into a family that is not. My father’s an entrepreneur. So they started a restaurant when I was three years old and they needed somebody to do a commercial for them and for some reason they stuck me in front of the camera.



Sid Roth

In 1977 Sid started a ministry called “Messianic Vision” and a nationally syndicated radio broadcast by the same name.